Fees & Contact

My fees for all self-referred sessions (including the initial appointment) vary according to time of day.

Individuals:   £ 70            Couples:   £ 85

Individuals:   £ 80            Couples:   £ 95

The fees above are charged for 50 minute sessions.   90 minute and 2 hour sessions can be booked.   Please ask for further details if required.

A different rate scale is applicable for EAPs, Health Insurance companies and other contracts.

Initial Appointment

The first meeting gives clients the opportunity to talk about their issues and concerns and to ask any questions they may have.

It allows me to gain an understanding of the clients, their situation and specific needs.

It is also for us to be sure that counselling might be appropriate and beneficial and whether we would like to work together.

If clients wish to proceed, we discuss and agree a clear basis for therapy.   This will include an agreement on a regular time and day for sessions and a starting date.

To make an enquiry or book an appointment

please contact me by:

email: info@TheRelationalCounsellor.co.uk

phone: 07580 596907

or complete and submit the Enquiry Form below

I will respond as soon as possible. All communications are treated in confidence.

Enquiry Form